About Us
DeeVa is a leading manufacturer of an extensive range of therapeutic and novelty products. DeeVa’s comprehensive line of functional products adhere to the strictest quality demands of our clientele and help to attain the appex of pleasure.
A family run Canadian manufacturer since the 1800′s, we are proud of our linear heritage. What started out as a dominance in the rubber industry has migrated into plastics, where for the past generation we have manufactured top grade consumer packaged goods.
In recent years, DeeVa acquired New Concepts and Finger Fitting Products. New Concepts, Inc. was established in 1988 and became a manufacturer and named the line Doctor Love’s products. Our recent acquisition of Finger Fitting Products, Inc. in 2010, has complimented our range by adding the Fukuoku product line. It has helped secure our place as a reputable manufacturer of an extensive and innovative line of therapeuric and noveltyproducts that adhere to the strictest quality demands of our clientele.
We look forward to the challenge and continuation of combining top grade products with competitive prices to maintain and further our future success.

About Us
DeeVa is a leading manufacturer of an extensive range of novelty products. DeeVa’s comprehensive line of functional products adhere to the strictest quality demands of our clientele and help to attain the appex of pleasure.
A family run Canadian manufacturer since the 1800′s, we are proud of our linear heritage. What started out as a dominance in the rubber industry has migrated into plastics, where for the past generation we have manufactured top grade consumer packaged goods.
In recent years, DeeVa acquired New Concepts and Finger Fitting Products. New Concepts, Inc. was established in 1988 and became a manufacturer and named the line Doctor Love’s products. Our recent acquisition of Finger Fitting Products, Inc. in 2010, has complimented our range by adding the Fukuoku product line. It has helped secure our place as a reputable manufacturer of an extensive and innovative line of novelty products that adhere to the strictest quality demands of our clientele.
We look forward to the challenge and continuation of combining top grade products with competitive prices to maintain and further our future success.
À propos
Deeva est un important fabricant d’une gamme étendue de produits pour adultes. Notre ligne complète de produits adhère aux exigences de qualité les plus strictes de notre clientèle, et amène à atteindre des sommets de plaisir inégalés.
Manufacture gérée de façon familiale depuis les années 1800, nous sommes fiers de notre patrimoine. Ce qui a commencé comme une position dominante dans l’industrie du caoutchouc, a migré dans les plastiques, où, pour la dernière génération, nous avons fabriqué des biens de consommation de qualité supérieure.
Ces dernières années, Deeva a acquis les compagnies New Concept et Finger Fitting Products. New Concepts a été créée en 1988, et est devenue le manufacturier des produits Doctor Love. Notre récente acquisition de Finger Fittings Products en 2010, a complémenté notre gamme en y ajoutant les produits Fukuoku. Ceci a contribué à assurer notre place en tant que fabricant réputé de produits pour adultes, lesquels adhèrent aux plus strictes exigences de qualité de notre clientèle.
Nous continuerons d’allier des produits de haute qualité à des prix compétitifs, et voulons relever le défi de maintenir, et poursuivre, notre succès dans le futur.

Contact Us
Nous Contacter
435 St. Valier
Granby, Quebec Canada
J2G 8Y4
T: (450) 375-3434
F: (450) 777-1751
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